报告题目:Applications and integration of semiconductor-based Metasurfaces
报 告 人:Dr. Patrice Genevet,NRS
时 间:2019年11月01日(周五)下午16:00-17:00
地 点:南楼三层会议室
邀 请 人:刘新风 研究员
A new class of planar, wavelength-thick optical components exhibiting exceptional optical properties have emerged in recent years. These artificial interfaces, known as metasurfaces, rely on the scattering properties of the subwavelength structures patterned at interfaces to manipulate the wavefront of light in almost any desired manner[1]. To further develop this technology towards dynamic tuning, broadband applications and industrial production, new materials and new fabrication methods are required[2,3].
In this presentation, I will introduce basic design and fabrication methods of semiconductor-based metasurfaces and demonstrate exciting new monolithic integration of metasurfaces onto VCSELs under back-emitting configuration[4]. Our wafer-level nonintrusive approach addresses the issues of arbitrary shaping laser beams with programmable controllability for various laser beam shaping applications.
We will conclude this presentation by reporting a drastically new approach for orbital angular momentum (OAM) multiplexing holography based on the strong OAM selectivity of semiconductor-based metasurfaces [5]. We show that owing to mathematically orthogonal OAM modes without a topological charge limit, a large number of OAM-dependent information channels can therefore be multiplexed by a single meta-hologram with high spatial resolution. This demonstration holds great promise for ultrahigh-capacity holographic devices and systems.
Finally, for CNRS 80 years birthday, we had fun in the lab and realized a beautiful metasurface hologram depicting the 80 years CNRS logo, watch-out!
[1] P. Genevet, F. Capasso, F. Aieta, M. Khorasaninejad, R. Devlin. Optica. 4, 2017, Vol. 1, 139-152.
[2] G. Brière, P. Ni, S. Héron, S. Chenot, S. Vézian, V. Brandli, B. Damilano, J.Y Duboz, M. Iwanaga and P. Genevet, Advanced Optical Materials 1801271 (2019)
[3] R. Sawant, P. Bhumkar, A. Y. Zhu, P. Ni, F. Capasso, and P. Genevet, Adv. Mater. 2019, 31, 1805555.
[4] Y.Y Xie, P.N. Ni, Q.H. Wang, Q. Kan, G. Briere, P.P. Chen, Z.Z. Zhao, A. Delga, H.D. Chen, C. Xu, P. Genevet, arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.12078 (2019)
[5] H. Ren, G. Briere, X. Fang, P. Ni, R. Sawant, S. Héron, S. Chenot, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, V. Br?ndli, S. A. Maier, P. Genevet, Nat. Comm. 2019, 10, 2986
Dr. Patrice Genevet, Research Scientist
Education and research positions:
2015-now CNRS research Scientist I, (charge de recherche) CRHEA, Valbonne, France.
2014 Senior Research Scientist I, A*STAR, SIMTECH, Singapore.
2009-2014 Research Associate at Harvard University in Prof. Capasso group in collaboration with Prof. M O. Scully (Texas A&M University). Development of ultra-thin plasmonic interfaces for controlling light.
2006-2009 Ph.D in physics at University of Nice Sophia Antipolis under the direction of Prof. J.R. Tredicce
Awards and scientific recognitions:
2019- European Research Council Proof of Concept 2019
2019- Prix Aimé Cotton 2017 (Société Fran?aise de Physique, France)
2018- Tan Chin Tuan visiting professor fellowship – (Singapore)
2014- European Research Council Starting Grant (Starting date September 2015 for 5 years)
2006- PhD fellowship from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research