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作者: 来源 : 时间:2019-10-22 字体<    >


报告题目: Determination of the Photoluminescence Quantum Yields of Molecular and Nanocrystal Emitters in the UV/vis/NIR/SWIR

  Ute Resch-Genger,Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing (BAM)

时    间:20191018日(周五)下午15:30-16:30


邀 请 人:葛广路 研究员



The comparison of different emitter classes and the rational design of the next generation of molecular and nanoscale reporters require accurate and quantitative photoluminescence measurements. This is of special importance for all photoluminescence applications in the life and material sciences and nanobiophotonics. In the following, procedures for the determination of the spectroscopic key parameter photoluminescence quantum yield, i.e., the number of emitted per absorbed photons, in the UV/vis/NIR/SWIR are presented including pitfalls and achievable uncertainties and material-specific effects related to certain emitter classes are addressed.



Ute Resch-Genger studied chemistry at Technical University Berlin and obtained her Ph.D. on semiconductor nanocrystals under the supervision of Professor A. Henglein and Professor H. Weller at the Hahn-Meitner-Institute in Berlin. After a postdoc with Professor Marye Anne Fox at the University of Texas at Austin on photoelectron transfer studies in organic-inorganic hybrid systems, she joined the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) as a research chemist. She is currently head of division Biophotonics at BAM. Her research interests include photophysics of molecular and nanocrystalline emittters, stimuli-responsive optical probes, signal enhancement, multiplexing, and barcoding strategies, optical-spectroscopic methods for surface group quantification, and the interaction of nanoparticles with biological systems. Additionally, division Biophotonics develops traceable methods to quantify signal-relevant optical properties of luminescent materials at the ensemble and single molecule/particle level, concepts for the validation of optical-spectroscopic measurements, and different types of fluorescence standards.

Ute Resch-Genger is co-chair of the steering committee of the Methods and Applications in Fluorescence (MAF) conference series as well as member of the editorial advisory board of Bioconjugate Chemistry and the editorial board of the IOP journal Methods and Applications in Fluorescence (MAF).


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