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报告题目:Scanned Probe Microscopies, Mechanobiology and Nanobiology

  人:Prof. James K. Gimzewski, UCLA

时        间:2019 年 9月 12日(周四)下午 15: 30


邀 请 人:裘晓辉 研究员  


Abstract: Advances in Scanned Probe Microscopies (SPM) and in particular Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) have enabled many advances in our understanding of living systems at the nanoscale[1]. Imaging has moved beyond topographic data to electrical, mechanical and single molecules force spectroscopy on living cells and tissues. In particular, Mechanobiology can be explored through mechanical response to stimula as well as recording motion of cells with unprecedented resolutionin forces (pN), distance (sub nm) and chemistry (SMFS). Increasingly we employing correlative imaging [2] from multiple technologies such as STED, STORM, environmental FE-SEM, cryo TEM etc. to provide a comprehensive understanding of life at the nanoscale. Behind this science there is still plenty of room in biology for new science and computer image analysis using new technical innovations and instrumentation.

In this talk, I shall discuss some examples of our research in biological systems starting at the cellular level for various human and cancer cancer cells lines and moving down into the subcellular level such as single molecule DNA profiling [3], CRISPR, neuronal protein actin binding [4] and exosomes [5] which are ~100nm size proteomic and genomic intercellular messaging nanoparticles. Finally, I discuss new in-vivo techniques for thyroid cancer mechanoprofiling and prospects for some new technologies that can be developed to probe living neuronal cultures.


[1] Cross SE, Jin Y, Rao J, Gimzewski JK. Nanomechanical analysis of cells from cancer patients. Nature Nanotechnology 2007; 2, 780-783

[2] Sharma S, Santiskulvong C, Bentolila LA, Rao J, Dorigo O, Gimzewski JK. Correlative nanomechanical profiling with super resolution F-actin imaging reveals novel insights into mechanisms of cisplatin resistance in ovarian cancer cells. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 2011; 8(5), 757-766

[3] Mikheikin A., Olsen A., Picco L., Payton, O., Mishra, B., Gimzewski JK, and  Reed, J. High-speed AFM reveals contamination in DNA purification systems Analytical Chemistry, February 15, 2016

[4] Sharma, S., Grintsevich, E., Woo, J.R., Pinar, P. S., Higgs, H., Reisler, E., and Gimzewski, J.K.  Nanostructured Self-Assembly of Inverted Formin 2 (INF2) and FActinINF2 Complexes Revealed by Atomic Force Microscopy Langmuir 30, June 2014, 7533-7539

[5] Sharma S, Rasool H, Palanisamy V, Mathisen C, Schmidt M, Wong D, Gimzewski JK. Structural-Mechanical Characterization of Nanoparticle Exosomes in Human Saliva, Using Correlative AFM, FESEM, and Force Spectroscopy. ACS Nano 2010; 4/4 1921-26

[6] DNA nanomapping using CRISPR-Cas9 as a programmable nanoparticle A. Mikheikin, A. Olsen, K. Leslie, F. Russell-Pavier, A. Yacoot, L. Picco, O. Payton, A. Toor, A. Chesney, J. K. Gimzewski, B. Mishra & J. Reed Nature Communications 8, 1665, (2017)

[7] Two dimensional electrophysiological characterization of human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte system, H. Zhu, K. S. Scharnhorst, A. Z. Stieg, J. K. Gimzewski, I. Minami, N. Nakatsuji, H & At Nakano, Nature Scientific Reports volume 7, 43210 (2017)


BiographyJames Jimzewski 为英国皇家科学院,工程院两院院士,UCLA杰出教授。Gimzewski 做了许多纳米技术的开创性研究,包括单分子器件,单细胞癌症诊断,多元纳米化学传感等。他曾获得Feynman奖及多个国际奖,文章索引超过30,000; Science Nature上多次发表开创学科的文章; H index 82。他曾经领导过IBM Zruich的纳米团队(该团队的Binig 等曾获得1986年的诺贝尔奖)。Gimzewski 作为纳米技术的代言人多次受洛杉矶时报和纽约时报的采访,并组织了以教育中小学生为对象的纳米技术巡回国际展(NANO: WHERE ART MEETS SCIENCE)。Gimzewski目前已通过基金委重大仪器项目和国内建立了合作关系。



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