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作者: 来源 : 时间:2019-10-21 字体<    >



报告题目:Physical Signals into Biological Signals

人:Imshik Lee, School of Physics, Nankai University


        点:国家纳米科学中心 科研楼2层会议室

   人: 裘晓辉 研究员



The conventional stimuli in the biological system were considered only the biochemical stimulus. However, there are physical stimuli such as mechanical, optical (electromagnetic) and thermal stimuli. In this presentation, how the cells responding against physical stimuli will be covered. A crucial question is how the physical stimuli were converted into the physiological signals. From conventional static physical stimuli to dynamic stimuli is on characterizing. Those results will build a new paradigm in controlling biological functions with physical stimulus. This presentation will bring up some cases of mechanical and optical (electromagnetics) stimuli- induced cellular signals. Mechanical stimuli interact directly with cytoskeleton dynamics and submembrane molecules, which are correlated with the physiological functions. Due to the dynamic responses of a living cell, dynamic stimuli in terms of frequency, resting intervals, and amplitude are applied and characterized. Optical sources are very good tools to monitor biological activities. However, it has not been considered, as an optical source itself is a stimulus in triggering the biological function. Furthermore, some theoretical bio-signal pattern analysis will be attempted. Bio-signals exposing the specified biological functions were interested in de-cording. Biological and biochemical functions were correlated with physical biosignals.



19639月出生于韩国。1986年毕业于韩国釜山大学物理学系,获学士学位。1993年于英国Bristol大学物理学系获博士学位。后工作于英国、中国、美国和日本,历任英国Bristol大学(H.H.Wills Physics Laboratory),中国延边科学技术大学,中国科学院化学研究所,香港大学,美国Case Western Reserve大学,日本东京医科齿科大学等。现任中国南开大学物理科学学院教授。主要从事生物界面方面的研究工作。在单分子和单分子界面相互作用,单分子和医用材料界面相互作用,单分子和单细胞界面相互作用方面和物理-生物界面信号。


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