报告题目:Experimental Determination of Particle-size Dependent Surface Charge Density for Silica Nanospheres
报告 人:翁羽翔 研究员,中国科学院物理研究所
时 间:2019年2月26日(周二)上午9: 30
地 点:南楼三层会议室
邀 请 人:裘晓辉 研究员
Surface charge densities of spherical silica nanoparticles of varied size spanning from 4.1 to 495.7 nm in NaCl solution with a concentration from 0.003 mM to 1.2 mM at a pH value of 8.0 were determined by converting their corresponding measured zeta potential with Poisson-Boltzmann model. The experimental data provide a consensus for the validity of different models describing the relation between the surface charge density and the electric potential, i.e., the surface complexation model and the Poisson-Boltzmann model for the charged nanospheres in electrolyte solution. We found that if the former includes the curvature-dependent deprotonation constant of the surface silanol groups, both the models would give a consistent result.
长期从事超快时间分辨激光光谱的方法学和应用研究。主持建立了光谱范围覆盖可见-近红外-中红外谱段的飞秒时间分辨瞬态吸收光谱仪;建立了基于非相干荧光光子光参量放大新原理的飞秒时间分辨荧光光谱仪;建立了研究相干态超快传能的飞秒时间分辨二维可见区电子态光谱仪;建立了研究蛋白质动态结构的钬激光脉冲升温-纳秒时间分辨中红外瞬态光谱仪;发明了光催化半导体纳米材料带隙中间态能级测量方法即带隙激发扫?瞬态红外光谱法。 研究方向主要在:(1) 光合系统及人工模拟系统的相干态传能与电荷转移过程超快光谱研究;(2)蛋白质动态结构的脉冲升温-时间分辨中红外光谱研究;(3)光催化半导体材料界面性质及缺陷态能级分布的瞬态光谱研究。在国际/国内核心期刊上发表论文100余篇。出版《超快激光光谱原理与技术基础》著作一部。