报告题目:Ultrafast Charge Transfer in 2D Semiconductors and Heterostructures
报 告 人:熊启华教授,南洋理工大学
时 间:2018年7月11日(周三) 下午4: 00
地 点:南楼三层会议室
邀 请 人:刘新风 研究员
2D semiconductors, such as transitional metal chalcogenides and black phosphorus, have attracted considerable attention due to fascinating physical properties a wide range of applications in valleytronics, optoelectronics and superconductivity. The interlayer interaction is particularly important in both homogenous few-layer systems and heterogeneous structures formed by “lego” fashion, which underpins the foundation for rational engineering towards unprecedented functionality. In this talk, I will introduce our work on unique interlayer charge transfer mechanism in 2D semiconductor monolayer heterostructures leads to an interesting blinking phenomenon, whereby a bright state emission occurs in one monolayer while a dark state emission occurs in the other, and vice versa. Such correlated blinking can be probed in detail by steady-state and transient spectroscopy measurements, which uncovered an ultrafast charge transfer process ~ 120 fs, providing new platform to study the long-standing puzzling blinking phenomenon in nanomaterials. Secondly, I will present how the charge transfer by a gate modulation breaks the symmetry in a bilayer sample such that a charge-induced second harmonic generation is produced, due to a confined charging in W-atomic plane and a screening effect. This bilayer system can be further modulated by introducing plasmonic structures, from which an ultrafast plasmonic hot carrier injection (~ ps) can lead to symmetry breaking, as such a second harmonic generation is produced. Our study creates opportunity for the ultrafast all-optical control of SHG in an all-optical manner that may enable a variety of applications.
熊启华是南洋理工大学数理科学学院和电气电子工程学院双聘教授。他1997年本科毕业于武汉大学物理系,2000年从中科院上海原子核所(现上海应用物理所)获得硕士学位,2006年于宾夕法尼亚州立大学获得博士学位,师从Peter C. Eklund教授。2006-2009年在哈佛大学Charles Lieber研究组从事博士后研究。2009年获得新加坡国立研究基金研究员项目资助于6月加入南洋理工大学,任南洋助理教授。2014年获得终身教职,2016年升正教授。他于2014年起担任数理科学学院副院长主管科研, 研究生教学,2017年起主要负责教职事务。熊教授的主要研究领域是以稳态和瞬态光谱学为主要实验手段,以光和物质相互作用为研究主题, 着重研究低维半导体纳米材料基于光子-声子-电子耦合作用的物理机制和量子调控。他在纳米光子学和表面等离子体学,激光制冷,以及二维半导体材料光学性质等一系列前沿课题做出了一系列有影响的工作。在《自然》及子刊, 《纳米通讯》,《先进材料》等一系列国际知名杂志上发表了190多篇文章, 并被世界知名杂志及大众媒体所报道,总引用次数超过7800次,H-因子52。其出色的研究获得了一些奖励和认可,比如新加坡物理学会纳米科技奖(2015),新加坡国立研究基金NRF Investigatorship奖(2014),和南洋理工大学南洋研究卓越奖(2014)等。
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