报 告 人:潘安练教授,湖南大学
时 间:2017年1月12日(星期四),上午10:00
地 点:南楼4层会议室
邀 请 人:江潮 研究员(Tel:82545563)
近年来潘教授针对低维半导体材料能带调控和新型集成光子器件的基础科学问题开展了系统深入研究,发展了一套可控合成半导体异质纳米结构的普适方法,实现了多种新型半导体异质结构可控生长及在光信息器件上的应用。研究成果得到Science Daily等多家国际学术机构的高度评价,其中宽带可调谐激光芯片研究被英国物理出版局评价为“实现激光调谐纪录”,原子晶体横向异质结构可控合成相关研究被Nature.Mater以“实现平面外延生长的完美匹配”为标题亮点报道。以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Nanotechnology, Chem. Soc. Rev., Phy. Rev. Lett, JACS, Adv. Mater, Nano.Lett等国际顶级期刊上发表论文70余篇论文,合作发表论文140余篇。以第一完成人获湖南省自然科学一等奖及湖南省青年科技奖。先后入选新世纪优秀人才、湖南省杰青、“芙蓉学者”特聘教授和国家杰出青年基金等人才计划,主持973子课题、国家自然科学基金、省创新研究群体基金等多个研究项目。在国际学术会议上作邀请报告30余次,主持会议20余次,并受邀组织美国材料学会(2014 MRS Fall Meeting)半导体纳米线分会、中德纳米光子与光电子双边研讨会等多个国际会议,担任多个国际学术期刊的编辑、编委或特邀编辑。研究组主页:http://nanophotonics.hnu.cn。
Band gap is one of the most important parameters of semiconductor materials for their photonics applications since they determine the spectral features of absorptions and emission processes. Due to the limited band gaps of natural semiconductors, band gap engineering through alloying and heterostructured band gap alignments with semiconductors of different band gaps is fundamently important for realizing high performance and multifunctional semiconductor devices. In this talk, I will report our recent progress on the band gap engineering of low dimensional semiconductor structures, including 1D semiconductor nanowires and 2D atomically thin layered materials. Based on the achieved band gap engineered semiconductor and their heterostructures, many novel nanophotonics devices have been constructed, such as wavelength continuously tuned nanolasers, nanoscale white light source, wavelength splitter, asymmetric waveguiding and high-performance photodetectors, etc.