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作者: 来源 : 时间:2016-01-25 字体<    >

题目:  Play Phonons with Photons 

报告人:张俊  研究员,中国科学院半导体所 



邀请人: 刘新风 研究员Tel82545778 



        Here I will report the interaction of light with maters, especially with phonons. I will show three examples including: 1) Raman scattering in 2D layer materials. I will show how to use Raman scattering to detect the phonon vibration in 2D materials from bulk to monolayer scale such as interlayer and intralyer vibration in topological insulatorgraphene and non-graphene 2D crystals. 2) Laser cooling in semiconductors, i.e. how to use photon to remove the heat (phonon) from materials. By using of strong coupling between excitons and longitudinal optical phonons (LOPs), we not only can cool the whole semiconductor sample from room temperature by 40 Kelvin, but also can selectively cool one specific LO phonon down to quantum ground state. 3) Plasmonic based biosensing. In this part I will show how to use surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy to sensitively detect bio-molecules. It includes our several recent achievements in the development of LSPR nanosensors based on colorimetry, single and arrayed nanoparticle spectroscopy for the detections of several cancer biomarkers. 



 张俊,中科院半导体所超晶格国家重点实验室研究员,中国科学院大学岗位教授,博士生导师,中组部第十一批青年千人计划获得者。主要从事低维量子材料中光与物质相互作用的实验研究,包括凝聚相材料中的激光制冷,基于声子的固态量子调控,新奇低维量子结构的合成、表征和光电性质,光学超常材料(Metamaterials)的新奇光学性质和单分子光谱检测等。已在国际学术期刊上发表学术论文49篇,其中包括1篇《Nature》(封面)、1篇《Nature Photonics》、7篇《Nano Letters》、7篇《ACS Nano》; 撰写英文专著1章;授权专利4项。张俊博士多次受邀在国际学术会议上做邀请报告和担任专题主席,是多个国际期刊的审稿人。他的研究工作被《Nature Photonics 7, 348–349 (2013)》、《Nature Photonics 7, 262 (2013)》、《NPG Asia Materials》、《Materials Views China》、《Nanowerk》、《IOP PhysicsWorld》、《Phys Org》、《海峡时报 The Straits Times》、《联合早报》、《科技日报》、德国之声、印度百年报纸《The State Man》以及国内外网络媒体报道多次。 






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